List of Commands

Help commands


Shows help text and links to both the FAQ and this page.


/help to show the help text.


Shows help text and links to both the FAQ and this page.


/commands to show the help text.


Sends an introduction message when someone starts talking to the bot in a direct message.


/start to show the help text.

Account commands


Gives a button to instantly sign in with Telegram, skipping that step in registration. If you are already registered, it will respond by telling you so.


/login to show the help text and button.

/login as a fully registered user to confirm that your account is working.


Registration required

Links to the user's Steam profile, or to the profile of the user mentioned in the command. The user whose Steam profile you try to show must be registered.


/profile to show a link to your Steam profile.

/profile danvb to show a link to @danvb's Steam profile.


Links to the home page to manage your account and tells you whether you are fully registered.


/account to show the help text and button.

/account as a fully registered user to confirm that your account is working.

Match commands


Registration required

Sends a message summarizing the user's last match, with a link to OpenDota for more details. The user whose match you are trying to show must be registered.


/lastmatch to show your stats and the result of your last match.

/lastmatch kittykirov to show @kittykirov's last match.

/match [match ID]

Sends a message summarizing the match, with a link to OpenDota for more details and the full scoreboard. Must provide a match ID. If you are looking for specific matches, using one of the player commands may be easier than manually entering a match ID.


/match 6734663709 to show the stats and result of match 6734663709.

Player commands


Registration required Paginated
Hero and Player arguments

Sends a list of the user's matches that meet the criteria, sorted by most recently played. Press the button to go to the OpenDota page for that game. For a full list of all the arguments you can use, see the FAQ.


/matches to show a list of your recent games.

/matches weaver to show a list of your recent games where you played Weaver.

/matches @underscorebagel against earthshaker to show a list of @underscorebagel's games where there was an Earthshaker on the enemy team.


Registration required
Hero and Player arguments

Shows the amount of wins and losses a user had that meet the criteria. For a full list of all the arguments you can use, see the FAQ.


/winrate to show your overall total wins and losses.

/winrate venge to show your total wins and losses as Vengeful Spirit.

/winrate with enigma and silencer to show your total wins and losses where you played with an Enigma and a Silencer on your team.


Registration required
Paginated Sortable

Sends a list of heroes that user has played as and encountered. Use the buttons at the top to change between showing games as, with and against that hero, and to change the sorting between amount of games, winrate and alphabetically. Press one of the buttons to get a list of matches meeting those criteria.


/heroes to show a list of your heroes.

/heroes danvb to show a list of @danvb's heroes.


Registration required
Paginated Sortable

Sends a list of other registered users that user has played with. Use the buttons at the top to sort the list by games, winrate, alphabetically or by last played. Press one of the buttons to get a list of matches with that player.


/peers to show a list of your peers.

/peers roccfox to show a list of @roccfox's peers.


Registration required

Shows the user's rank medal and leaderboard position in the chat. OpenDota's data on ranks can sometimes lag behind, but if the user often plays ranked games, it should be up to date.


/rank to show your rank.

/rank underscorebagel to show @underscorebagel's rank.

Hero commands

/alias [hero]

Shows the aliases with which you can refer to that hero. For more information, see the FAQ.


/alias ember spirit to show Ember Spirit's aliases.

/matchups [hero]


Shows the matches and wins of that hero against other heroes, along with a Wilson score to rank them from best to worst matchup.


/matchups underlord to show Underlord's matchups, ranked from best to worst.

© 2022 Casper Schuijt and contributors

For copyright and licensing information, check the LICENSE file on Github.